24 October, 2009

I'm going to zoom off

a quote from Kacen last night when he wanted to run fast past me!
He has turned three this week. He had a wonderful birthday. It started off being celebrated the day before at Vineyard Gardens in Orem and ended with a trip to Toys R Us and riding bikes with friends.
Celebrating on Wednesday/ Sunday is a way for their dad to be able to celebrate with them and not take a whole day off of work. On Wednesday afternoon while Abbi was still at preschool the Fed Ex man came and dropped off a package at the house. I figured since we were celebrating his birthday that day that he could go ahead and open it. He opened up the flaps to the box and pulled out his present :) Two packages of cars from Aunt Crystal. Arrived here in super fast speed. He opened them and was so thrilled throughout the rest of the day. "These are my super cool cars" he said as we went to go pick up Abbi from preschool. While we were at home and were talking about who sent the present, he said, "that is so nice of her." He wanted to call and tell aunt Crystal thank you, but got super shy once the phone was ready for his expression of gratitude.We met at Vineyard gardens a little after 4:00 and looked through the mini shop that they had up front and walked around the back to "pumpkinland". I was expecting something cheesy being that we only paid three dollars for each of us except Kacen and Jesse, under three is free. And it went beyond my expectations. There were jump houses that led to lots of animals, tunnels, and a wooden jack-o-lantern that Kacen could climb inside and get his picture taken in. Then the corn maze that was great, just the right size for children, not easy to get lost, there were many ways out. Alona took Grandma with her to make sure that she had gone every way possible in the maze, she wanted to experience it all it was great. Kacen thought that is was fun to run away from Mom. Dad took Kacen to the bathroom and he discovered standing up and bubbles in the toilet! that fascination lasted many days :)
Thanks for meeting with us Marts, Kelly and Bud, it really meant a lot!

After wards we went to McDonalds, had a burger, let him open his present that we got him and sang Happy Birthday and had cake. There were quite a few little boys drooling over his new geotrax train they wanted him to open it there too! It was a little awkward opening presents at McDonalds with everyone looking. Kacen had the greatest time though! He wanted his train opened there. We just had to put it together right when we got home.

In the morning we had a little Birthday planned for him with four other young boys that he enjoys playing with. There were two Thomas games set up and ready, Paul painted and decorated boxes for a bean bag toss game in to Thomas trains and I stayed up and made a Thomas poster for pin the whistle on Thomas and make Thomas the train sugar cookies for the boys to decorate. There were four different train tracks set up on the floor waiting for the boys when they arrived at the house. I tried to get their attention to play the games and decorate the cookies... It kind of went like this,
Me: Boys do you want to play the game?
Boys: We're just playing trains!
and that was the answer to about each thing that they were asked!
They had such fun playing together. Kacen had his first real taste of friends and playmates at his own house and since then has been asking for his friends to play with him!
After we picked Alona for school we headed to Toys R US and with the collective birthday monies from Grandma Price, Grandma Wood, Papa, aunt Laura and help from Paul and I, Kacen got his first bike! He loves it, and now Abbi and Kacen can both ride bikes at the same time instead of taking turns with her bike. Paul put Kacen's bicycle together when he got home on Kacen's birthday and when Kacen woke up it was waiting for him. He was so anxious to ride it, it was hard for him to wait until the girls were off to school. But the moment that we got home from dropping Abbi at preschool he asked if could ride his bike. I went around with him telling him I was going to catch his smile and he rode laughing and giggling and trying to hide it.


Mandy said...


Kacen is just such a cute little joy. :) I'm so happy that we get to play with him and that Archer has such a great little friend. :)

Thanks for everything.

crystal said...

I'm excited he had such a great birthday! I'm glad the fedex guy got the so fast & he enjoyed his super fast cars!