Both girls dressed up for school this morning. Abbi had trick or treating in Preschool she went around to the High School teachers in her class and went trick or treating to them. She loves preschool and has lots of fun. There were three princesses, three Cinderella Princesses, very popular a few spidermans too. I should have taken a picture of the back of her head she lets me play with her hair without much complaint, just a few little mom that hurts, are we almost done?.. in the sweetest voice. Her hair and well Abbi was beautiful. She had so much to tell me when I went to pick her up.
Alona's Halloween parade at school was at 12:30. I didn't realize it until I came home to check the clock saw what time that it was and then looked at the paper that was sent home. abbi gets out of preschool at 12:00 we were on our street at 12:15, but stopped across the street cause there was a winder dairy truck handing out free samples. Kacen and Abbi picked out strawberry milk and filled their glasses a few times. They were there to get sales and were very persuasive. Sign up only purchase so much, which you would normally buy at the store anyways and they give you a free cooler and norbest turkey, very persuasive. So we got in the house after 12:30 and I picked Kacen up out of the van and brought him in to the house to use the bathroom, changed the baby and ran right back in to the van, drove to her school in 60 seconds and when there was no parking, parked in the red zone. Went in through the gym and we were there with time to spare. The parade hadn't come through yet :) Alona was skipping and hopping along through the parade and was such a joy to watch.
Last night (Thursday) was the Halloween party at our church. They all dressed up before Abbi got her costume on she decided that she wanted to take pictures in the extra spiderman mask that got handed down to us and they all wanted to take pictures with Jesse. So we have two spidermans one tigger and a witch.
Today a little after 5:30 we went to the school for the storytelling festival many children including Alona have practiced their story for weeks, learn their story in detail, how to tell it, make it better and being critiqued. Alona did a fabulous job, I am so proud of her, there were other children older than she was that were up in front of everyone with their books, looking at it when they wanted a hand in remembering what to say. But Alona, the youngest in her group stood up there, had the longest story of them all and told it so well. A few times she went in to telling a part of her story and realized that she told a piece of it out of order and so she filled it in with another piece of the story that would fit their or added in a creative piece form her imagination and just kept going. She can do some amazing things, especially when she puts her mind to it. I thought that she would need some help or hints, she was silent a few times trying to think of what went next but then she came through with amazing strength! What a great story teller, what a great imagination, she had people laughing at the parts that she told from the story she picked. The way she told it.. I was so glad I was there.