30 June, 2009

It is so hard to believe

that this weekend Jesse will be a month old. We went to an appointment today, he was weighed and measured. He is now 9 lbs 7 ounces and 21 1/4 inches... so he has gained 1 lb 11 oz and 1/4 of an inch! He now holds on to fingers and gets a little tummy time and is fun to watch him lift his head. He has troubles with spitting up and so he has surprised me that he has gained more than a pound in the past two weeks.
After losing the water weight I have actually been gaining weight back. I do not understand this. I know that while nursing I need to eat more than I would if I wasn't nursing and wanted to lose weight. I would like to do more strenuous exercising but that isn't feasible, with our children that I cant just leave in the house to their own devices. I have started doing an exercising video, after Jesse falls asleep for the first time in the mid morning I spent as much time as I can between 20-40 minutes doing aerobic exercise, my muscles can really feel it. I don't normally sweat, but while doing this exercise I do. I hope this exercise and cutting out excessive sugars will help get me on track to losing weight again.
I can't wait to see Jesse grow and experience his milestones in the near future. They grow so fast, accomplish so many things when they are this little. I love how little he is now and each new age that he will grow in to, I don't want to miss a single moment of it.


Mandy said...

You are SO disciplined! :) I can't believe you are already on a workout routine! I enjoy the time after them being born to just be lazy... :)

And Jesse is so cute... He is getting so big!

Charmalee said...

It seems we want that first child to hurry and grow up so we can experience all the "new" things they do. By the time the last ones come along we just want them to stay little. I knew Jordanwould be the last one so I just wanted her to stay a baby forever and here she is 21 years old, how time flies. Enjoy them!