11 June, 2009

In a few hours

Jesse will be a week old.
He is a VERY good baby so far. He sleeps, wakes up to eat and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes I think he is too good of a baby, I wish that he would stay awake just a little more. Kacen never slept this much, Alona never ate this much and well Abbi ate a LOT with almost no break.

Today was our first peeing incident, I was changing him, putting the old diaper away and getting out the new one and it started going off, Abbi was sitting next to him and asks What is happening?! as she gets soaked, Jesse pees in his eye, on his head and all over the couch.
We ended up having baths unexpectedly. Jesse wakes up and screams like a little girl when you take off his diaper. He loves to be held and sleeps for a very long time when his Mommy is holding him. Paul is up with him a lot at night when he is not hungry, and then just brings him in to his sleeping Mommy when he is.
This week has mostly been a blur with feedings, sleeping and everything else. I have had breaks from the children, a lady took the kids three days this week for a few hours. Paul has taken over being Mom and dad, doing all the chores and going to work and dinner has been brought by every night. It has been so nice to not have to worry too much about cleaning or cooking meals. The difficult part is just keeping up with the kids especially with the weather that we have been having, not being able to send them out much in this rain.
I am doing well, I don't even notice waking up during the night to feed him. I seriously woke up last night with him laying on me and didn't remember him even getting there. I think it is mostly because I am coming down with a sinus cold, am always sleepy and have an awful headache. My feet have deflated, overnight last night I lost two pounds and the night before I lost 5 lbs. And my feet and ankles look so bony, I don't remember them being this skinny. That's what happens when you are swollen for weeks.


Mandy said...

What a fun picture! Abbi looks SO happy! :)

I'm glad you have a good hubby to help take care of you and the kids... it really does make all the difference!

I hope you start feeling better!

Paul said...

Yep, he is growin for sure! I hope it doesn't go by too fast, I like em when they're small :p

Nicole Beck said...

I am so excited for you. How wonderful to have this baby out of your belly and into the world. It's great that Paul can take the baby during the night hours when he is awake, but not hungry. Lucky you! Get all the rest you can. (But, you know that already).

crystal said...

I hope you get feeling better! I'm glad Paul is helping and couldn't help laugh over his accident:)