28 April, 2008

Ever More

This morning he was at the table and started saying "chair" as he sat down. He didn't want to eat his breakfast. And so he came in to the living room with his sisters and said, "Keys" as he picked them up and was shaking them about. he had a bath tub crayon this morning and was carrying it around saying "cuc-ur" for color.
Last night he was carrying the pepper around saying "Pepper". He gets so excited of his latest finds of words that he can say.
Poor little boy has another yeast infection. So a few days ago he was screaming and ornery about his two year molars coming in. For the past 24 hours it has been about the yeast infection, he grabs his bum and cries. Last night I went to Smiths and got some cream to hopefully help him. I remember the last time that we got nystatin from the doctor for his yeast infection, he said if you run out just go to the store and pick up some monistat. And so this time I did, considering that it was Sunday, the doctor was closed and monistat non name brand is $8 and the co-pay for the doctor is $15. So if this doesn't work I'll end up going in to the Doctor, but here's hoping, he really is miserable. He woke up last night at 11:00 and kept Paul up until past 2:00.
By the way, Paul has started up his blog again... http://pauliesland.blogspot.com/


Paul said...

Thanks for the adv. for my blog. Man! that baby wouldn't stop waking up, every few minutes when I thought he was going to sleep WAAHHH WAAHHHHH!! I loved being able to hold him though. I think he felt happy being held, he went right to sleep after picking him up.

I love you!

Bagley Briefs said...

Oh, poor little guy. Is he feeling better by now? Hope so.