27 March, 2008


The kids had a lot of fun over the weekend with the Easter egg hunts and family activities. Kacen had a few eggs pointed out to him and was quite enthralled when he found them on his own. He had a wonderful smile on his face and went along swing his arms ferociously as he sped up to pick up his find. Though he didn't like to let go of the eggs, even if it was a new one. A few times I took the egg from him and showed him another one to pick up, he was just about ready to throw a fit until he had the new one in hand and then he was content again.
Alona is at the age where she goes totally on her own, she even found a special egg up in the tree that the daddy easter bunny must have hid. Alona, the oldest of our children couldn't even reach it, so Mom helped her. We went to the Provo City Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning, the temperature gauge in the car said that it was 33 F. Oh my poor children, their mother didn't bring winter coats. I was surprised by the weather, the previous days were much warmer. I had to leave Abbi in the 3-5 age group with Alona and go help Kacen. I should have taken Abbi, but all worked out. Alona is such a good sister. She must have stayed with Abbi the whole time finding eggs, they both got three eggs. They limit they said was five and they wanted to make sure that everyone had that much and that none was left out. I saw some children with at least 20 eggs, it was good that I had gotten extra while with Kacen and was able to get the girls up to four eggs. My children are wonderful, most kids that I know will not share they throw fits about it and cry if one child has something that they do not. Alona and Abbi were quite content with the three eggs that they had in their basket, their mother was the one that wanted everything to be right in their world though nothing had been wronged according to them.
Kacen kept running off and trying to get away from me while at the park before the egg hunt. Good thing he just wanted to visit the nearby strollers and didn't go to far. Abbi had me hold her until right before the hunt she was so cold and shivering, her teeth were chattering. Alona took pictures of Abbi and I, I can't wait for her photography skills to improve and am so glad that Abbi and I were visible in the picture!

Our egg dying was a different experience all together. We all decorated three eggs . Paul had done an egg had one color half another color, Alona's were dark and perty, Kacen's and Abbi's were full of color especiallly Abbi who put her eggs from one color to another over and over. And then five minutes of not paying attention to where Abbi was I came into the kitchen to find that Abbi had taken every egg from the carton and put them all in the blue, purple and red dyes and had left them there for and unknown amount of time and then switched them into one of the other colors. Daddy's and Alona's pretty eggs were no more. I thought it was cute though and had to take a picture. Abbi's fingertips were changed and for many days stayed very colorful.
Abbi our little energy filled loving little girl, had fun she loves all the attention that she can get. She wore grandma Ruthie's bunny ears, while enjoying the easter egg hunt at her grandparents house. She got a game of pick up sticks in a carrot and a duck purse and a wind sock. Both girls had to have their wind socks opened at Grandma's house and hang them there.
Ruth, Alona and I went shopping to get the girls Easter dresses and got some cute ones. I am glad to have Ruth and Marta in my life it is great having some one who participates in mine and my children's lives. Alona got a cute purple dress and Abbi a cute polka dotted pink one. Abbi was so ecstatic about the bloomers that came with her dresses. Ruth and Val did a great job with the Easter egg hunts, some of the things were hard to find and the kids had a great time,they didn't want to leave.

Saturday night I had Paul go out and get two other special eggs, Kacen had made out with an Elmo egg at the store and so he went and got a Dora and a Diego egg. One had an alligator in it the other tattoos. The girls walked out in to the back yard on Sunday morning and the first egg that they found was the Elmo one, when they were told that it was Kacen's there was no mention of "where's mine" or " I want one!" They were delighted to give it to their brother and went on their merry way.
They all got sunglasses, an Easter book, chalk and a chocolate bunny in their baskets. Kacen had fun attempting to eat his chocolate sideways. He is our worst about trying to moderate the amount of sugar/candy that gets inputed in to his body. He finds every piece of candy and puts it in to his mouth whether he can get the wrapper off or not. Kacen is the only one that does not like to wear his glasses, we got him to keep them on for a few seconds, he's such a stud muffin! He has a new tie, shirt and vest and the pants that came with them do not fit him yet and also a new shirt from grandma. My children have smaller bums and shorter legs that don't compare to their torso.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I can't believe Alona found my "Advanced-Hidden-Special-Egg" !!! that's just amazing. Our boy is so cute with his glasses, I love that picture. I can't believe the weather either, each morning I see anywhere from 34 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit on the cars temp gauge, and they had the nerve to turn on the air conditioning
right next to my desk at work, it blows directly down on my hands and arms all day, I was literally frozen. It felt like a fridge in there, so I can imagine how the kids felt.

Love you!!!