15 February, 2007

I love You, You love ME

My children love to call this the Barney Song, because Barney sings it at the end of the show. But anyways... Our Valentines we celebrated with the kids. Paul has Wednesdays off and this year Valentines was on a Wednesday so I figured that it would be too hard to find a babysitter on the actual day. So we went bowling and then went to Denny's for our family activities.

The girls got to put on their Valentines gift from us, cute little shirts. Though they were whining because they wanted our candy and Abbi wanted Mom's lotion. We went at about noon(Me and the girls) to the local grocery store and got Dad a Valentine card from the children, Alona got to pick it out. His treat was a package of Nutter Butter cookies and a dove candy bar. I asked the girls if they wanted to walk, they were real keen on the idea. Alona raced ahead down the sidewalk while I got Abbi in the little one person stroller. We reached Alona, "Mom, I'm tired." I hoisted her up, her bum at the top of the fabric, her legs hanging around Abbi's head and her armpits on my wrists. We were off! "Mom this is a bumpy sidewalk!", Alona said. We raced the 1/4-1/2 mile to the store and Abbi wouldn't get out of the stroller, she loves that thing. Our ride home was just as fun. We got home and Kacen was still sleeping, amazing! His nap ended up being over two hours. Lately his naps have been about twenty minutes. But lets just say he didn't sleep as well last night.

We vacuumed and swept and were off to go bowling and use the last of Alona's gift certificate. It was so fun to watch Abbi, whenever it was her turn she would roll the ball and then get so excited, "Again, again"she would exclaim as she ran back to where the balls came out. Her arms up in the air and her face just glowing.Alona would have a look of disappointment when she didn't knock a pin down on her turn. I tried giving her encouragement, but don't know if I was very successful. I bowled the first four frames and then Kacen was hungry and Paul bowled under my name for the last frames. He has a strong arm, powerful throw!

Then we drove the short distance to Denny's. It was an extremely empty parking lot. We arrived a little after 4 p.m.Alona ordered pancakes and when they got there, "Mom, I wanted chicken!" That child! She tells me that she wants something and then a minute later after she gets it she proclaims that she wanted something else. She did pretty good, she ate most of her big pancake, all of her bacon and some of mine and then half of one of my sausages. But then before we left she was whining because she wanted to eat dessert there. The brownies looked good.

Abbi not so good. She threw a fit about everything, didn't want to eat her food and was screaming horrendously. I hated the stares from one lady, it was like hello haven't you ever seen a child scream before?
We came home and watched The Never Ending Story. Alona seemed to enjoy it, she asked a zillion questions like always. I swear she will be smarter than me soon, she is growing and learning so fast. Paul got the Grudge 2 and the set of the Never Ending Story Part 1 & 2!

Paul got me three different kinds of cucumber melon lotions from bath and body works and a nutmeg and pomegranate candle with a long lighter. One of the lotions was body butter, it actually felt like butter! (So neat) I have yet to light the candle, I am waiting for that chance to relax first.

Pictures to come...I have to get Paul to help me.

1 comment:

CrunchyChick said...

Family V-Day's can be fun! I know what you mean about stares from strangers. :I That body butter is exactly like butter! It's crazy, huh?