04 February, 2007


Paul gave Abbigail a father's blessing, I took her temperature, dun da duh it read104.9 which was rectally which should mean 103.9 orally which is 3.3 degrees past normal. I called urgent care gave Paul directions and address and he rushed out the door. I got a call at 9:30, Her temperature was 105.3 they told me to go to the Emergency Room, Paul says. They said she could have a seizure. Paul calls at 9:35 where's the ER?? He couldn't find it, I couldn't help him. I've never been there before I told him...Can I do anything? I'll find it, Click!
I am a stress eater, lets just say that I am a little stressed. I ate a whole package of graham crackers and two glasses of milk from 8:30 -9:30. Yes, I will be gaining weight this week I am quite sure of it. I don't know how Abbi is doing or what they are doing to her, what they will do to make her better. And yes the wicked thought of will she get better has crossed my mind. That is a killer fever. But I have faith in her becoming better. I couldn't go with her, I had a hungry baby and Alona that needed bed and well Paul doesn't have boobs. So I am flustered and here just waiting for the next Phone Call.

11:00p.m. She is ok! Paul called 5 minutes ago. They gave her motrin, took off her clothes and her fever came down. I don't understand it, I gave her tylenol four different times today even stuck her in a bath to cool her down, nothing worked for us.


CrunchyChick said...

Oh No!!! Have you heard anything yet???

Heather said...

10:45 p.m. still waiting to hear. I have thought about calling him.

emily kate said...

Scary! So glad she's ok!!! Poor little thing! (And poor stressed mommy!)