02 August, 2010

Pioneer Day

Ever since we moved to Provo we have gone to the activity that they have at North Park for Pioneer Day. It is pretty awesome! The missionaries all come to the park and have a booth for children that they are in charge of and of course we did all of the activities and the children had a blast!

The first activity was needle in a hay stack. They had to dig through the hay for a pin with a picture of a needle on it. So cute!

Next was the obstacle course. The girls went first, Alona against Abbi, Alona was so quick! She decided to go again with Kacen. He was a bit unsure of himself and what to do on each obstacle, but he made it, and loved riding the horse back to us.We took pictures inside of a real fire truck!

Abbi got to drive!

Then they all rode ponies. I stood next to Jesse to hold him on his horse, come to find out its not the greatest idea to stand next to the horses feet, I got stepped on, ouch! They loved riding the horses! Abbi is my animal lover!

they did home made harmonicas and dream catchers, Alona did a great job! There harmonicas were amazing and made great music!

Their rewards for doing all the activities, a balloon and a candy stick!

Alona holding a baby goat in the petting zoo
Jesse next to the shaggy miniature donkey
Watermelon Eating Contest, my two brave kiddos, Abbi and Kacen eating right along with adults. They had fun!!


Mandy said...

Super Fun! :) I would have loved to join you guys but the family reunion was that weekend.

Maria said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!!!