17 July, 2010

My Garden..

My garden
It is growing so beautifully! It is fun to go outside each day and see the progress. Picking and eating the peas and carrots are the greatest rewards so far and the kids have lots a fun digging up the carrots.

my tomatoes up close. They are getting big, just need to change color now!

my really hot peppers

parsley and celery
pumpkin and watermelon (in which order I'm not sure)


Unknown said...

You have got a nice garden out there. I think a connection with plants means a connection with the nature itself.Iflorist.co.uk

Mandy said...

It looks great, Heather! :) Super proud of all of the effort you've put in to that healthy food for you and your family!

Talie said...

Look how big your garden is! :) How fun for you and your family!