04 May, 2010

11 months

Jesse you are such a sweet baby, growing so fast and learning so quickly. This past week you decided that you would be interested in your sippy cup. It has been given to you since you were five months old, but you didnt want anything to do with drinking from it, you did love the sippy with the soft tip, biting on that was comforting for your gums that were welcoming in those cute little teeth, otherwise the sippy would end up on the floor. You even caught Mommy drinking from a big cup and decided that you needed it more than mommy and started drinking from a big cup with help, what a big boy you are!

You had your first hair cut last night.
before pictures: I wanted to get your haircut when we were at Great clips the day before Easter, but Daddy said he liked your hair. But I decided you at least needed it trimmed around your ears and so I did, and it turned out great! You loved the clippers that I used on you. I put it on your hand and let it vibrate there for a minute, and streaked across your face came the biggest grin ever! You were really good, you didn't scream and were very calm. Just a little wiggly and that is to be expected. You are now in to everything, you have to know what is going on with every noise that you hear and thing that you see.
You love to climb stairs, whenever we go somewhere and you see stairs, you head straight for them. Here you are at Abbi's recital this past Saturday, You and I enjoyed playing on the stairs. and stand up next to things, especially next to cupboards and doors to pull everything out of the cupboards. The pots and pans and the movie cupboard seem to be your favorite.
You had your first real popsicle this past week, grape flavored! You loved it. You held it by the stick and you wanted to try to turn it around and hold it the other way, but when you felt the cold and the melting popsicle in your palm, you must have known something was not right and turned it right back around to hold the stick. Your fifth tooth popped through this past week as well, Friday I think is when it really broke through and was above the gums, and you have been such a trooper especially with having ear infections for almost two months straight and cutting in new teeth. And you have all ready put that new tooth to a lot of good use. New foods have been introduced such as corn dogs and apples with their peels removed you seem to using these new foods to break in your new tooth, chewing them up in to bite sized pieces and leaving them in a pile either on your lap or on the table, what a talent! Though I am not sure how much of the food that you are given is actually swallowed, I am glad that you are putting it to use.


Mandy said...

You are a sweet mom. :)
I love the pictures of Jesse - he is such a cute little guy!!!

Bagley Briefs said...

So sweet!

Thanks for sharing, too.