07 March, 2010

9 months old

My little guy turned nine months old this past Friday. He is my little big guy. At his nine month old appointment he weighed 16 lbs 14 ounces and was 28 and 3/4".
At nine months old he can:
  • Stand up to almost anything and dance while doing so
  • Say: Duck, bath, ought oh, Mama, Dada, Cat
  • Army crawl and has started to crawl on hands and knees these past few days
  • can go from crawling, to sitting to standing in any order
  • walks in between things that he is holding on to
  • loves to go to the cupboard and pull out all of daddy's movies
  • Loves cereal and Mommy's milk. will eat half a jar of baby food twice a day when he is not sick.
  • Got his first ear infection
  • Loves the water, he crawls around and splashes in it
  • has four teeth and is working on some more.


Bagley Briefs said...

...and gets cuter and cuter as the days go by!

Mandy said...

haha! :) I was just going to post something like 'And is the cutest little baby Jesse I know' but it looks like Grandma Ruthie did a good enough job of it. :)