19 February, 2009

too tired

Im too tired to write in a journal, my eyes are burning my head is pounding and I am sleep deprived right now by my own stupidity. I just wanted to write things down and still have the computer on.
-I went on a three mile walk today to the library and back. I used my new stroller, it works great!
I had cramping, pain in the right side of my abdomen during the last half mile. I am figuring that it is not good to walk more than two miles a day for the duration of the pregnancy. I don't think the cramps hurt the baby but the are painful for me and were intermittent throughout the day after the walk.
-I have helpful children. Alona agreed to cover up her brother and sister so that Mommy didn't have to bend over her belly to do so. I do believe that adding in the declaration that I would still be tucking in her in cause my arms would be reaching upwards and my belly would have no interaction put a smile on her face and she didn't seem to mind as much with covering her siblings.
-Alona would rather do her homework than play with her sister now. Now THIS is the child that loves to learn. Yes she does have to have some play time or her fits are out there and her alone time is something that has to be seen. But her capacity and willingness to learn is beyond me. I taught her to read, but there are some things that I did not teach her that is her OWN. I help in her class every Wednesday and the help that I give other children with their assignments is something that Alona learned awhile ago, how to sound words out, what sounds letters make and how to write them. Her ability to read and spell things out on her own is astounding. She spelled out the word t-r-e-a-t to her grand mother last Saturday. I know she is potential first grade age, but even so never being taught by anyone how to spell that word, it does not sound how it is spelled and she does it with ease. Imagination is a word that she can easily read along with may other words that are impeccable at her age.
-Abbi is an amazing little girl too. She knows her numbers that she is being taught. She is catching on to the letters and the sounds that we have went over in the past few weeks. She knows most of her colors and she is catching on to so much. She is starting to ride a two wheeled scooter. This is hard for me, possibly my last little girl, learning to ride her scooter. She is growing so fast. She shares, she has a great imagination, she is loving and forgiving. She really enjoys primary and she is so much like me! She is shy and turns red and quiet when people give her attention, she feels really hurt when things happen to her, she is a little blond haired, blue eyed cutie that Alona comments, "Mom, she looks just like you" when Alona looks at a family photo from when I was a child. She is full of laughter when things are going good and is incredibly silly. She had her birthday this week, I will post more on that later.
-Oh and Kacen felt the baby today! His face just lit up!
Now for the baby to just do that for Abbi! She has tried twice unsuccessfully.


Mandy said...

Do you know how good of a mom you are? I was just reading all of your posts from Valentine's day forward. You are amazing.

Your kids are SO smart. You are unbelievably patient and kind and quiet towards them. You can tell that you love them more than anything.

Paul said...

you picked a good stroller. I think you work too hard for us, and that none of us show enough appreciation (granted our kids don't know better yet) and I wanted you to know that I really do appreciate all your hard work and effort you put into each day for all of us!