This morning he was at the table and started saying "chair" as he sat down. He didn't want to eat his breakfast. And so he came in to the living room with his sisters and said, "Keys" as he picked them up and was shaking them about. he had a bath tub crayon this morning and was carrying it around saying "cuc-ur" for color.
Last night he was carrying the pepper around saying "Pepper". He gets so excited of his latest finds of words that he can say.
Poor little boy has another yeast infection. So a few days ago he was screaming and ornery about his two year molars coming in. For the past 24 hours it has been about the yeast infection, he grabs his bum and cries. Last night I went to Smiths and got some cream to hopefully help him. I remember the last time that we got nystatin from the doctor for his yeast infection, he said if you run out just go to the store and pick up some monistat. And so this time I did, considering that it was Sunday, the doctor was closed and monistat non name brand is $8 and the co-pay for the doctor is $15. So if this doesn't work I'll end up going in to the Doctor, but here's hoping, he really is miserable. He woke up last night at 11:00 and kept Paul up until past 2:00.
By the way, Paul has started up his blog again...
28 April, 2008
26 April, 2008
double fisted
Kacen, the other day must have been real hungry. He grabbed corn dogs, one for each hand. He ate both of them all except for the bite that Mommy took.
Kacen says "hair" now. He experimented with the word while pulling the girls hair and brushing Mommy's. This morning he also said "Paul" when Mommy was trying to wake daddy up.
24 April, 2008
Word of the Day: OUCH
Alona's hair was being done this morning and anyone who has been around lately knows that she Hates getting her hair done. Screaming and saying not nice things are just the beginning, so Kacen came in to the room while she was screaming "OUCH'". And so Kacen walks out of the bathroom calmly and collectively says, "ouch, ouch, ouch".
23 April, 2008
An expanding lexicon
Kacen now says apple (ap-uh), he said it today when he got to the breakfast table and saw one sitting across from him. He loves to say Alona. Yesterday we were watching some children and they were calling the little girls name. Kacen came up and called it too, "Ella"! He loves saying outside and getting in the wagon and signing please while saying it, he loves to go for walks. He can say "Ready, Set, GO!" especially while going down the slide. His favorite is probably "Hello" he stops what he is doing when he sees someone and waves fanatically and says "Hello"! He sits by my legs when I am sitting and says "UP" until I hold him. He can say up, down, on, off and likes to say light he enjoys turning it on and off too. He says good-bye and also waves and blows kisses. His favorite thing to read about is dogs, he loves biscuit.
A week or two ago, he found an onion, put it in tupperware and carried it around for half of the day like that. And he would carry it around saying onion (un-nun). Today he was poking me on the couch and saying "eye" repeatedly. He also said "truck" and "cheese" while picking up the camera.
These things are things that he knows but doesn't say yet, when something is hot, he starts blowing. When he sees a car or plays with one he says vroom though I think that he has said that one before, and with trains, its choo-choo. He signs for more when he is still hungry. He comes to me and pats his bum when he is messy.
some more words:
Abbi- (Abba) May22 2008 while pushing him in the wagon up to seven peaks
banana (a-nan-a)
book (gook)
car- all cars, the ones he plays with and the ones he sees out on the road
chair- the chair that he sits in to eat
cheese - this is what he calls the camera
choo-choo- trains
church- May24, 2008
clapping- May 26, 2008
cook- May 29, 2008 while playing with the little kitchen. He was saying coook, coook, coook. He was having fun.
cracker -- when he wants or sees a cracker
Deanna- our neighbor that is about Alona's age
dinner -- (ninner)
do -- he loves to say "I do!"
eat --May 25, 2008, he even said it when daddy was home!
home --May15, 2008
it's- it's hot, its on, its off
light- he points to the lights and light switches
shirt --- Abbi taught him "my shirt" May11 2008
slide --while playing at the park May 14, 2008
stairs-- May 29, 2008
watch -from playing with Paul's watch this morning(5/14)
wet- May 21st Kacen got sprayed with the sprinklers "it's wet!!!"
(I'll add more as I hear them or remember them)
A week or two ago, he found an onion, put it in tupperware and carried it around for half of the day like that. And he would carry it around saying onion (un-nun). Today he was poking me on the couch and saying "eye" repeatedly. He also said "truck" and "cheese" while picking up the camera.
These things are things that he knows but doesn't say yet, when something is hot, he starts blowing. When he sees a car or plays with one he says vroom though I think that he has said that one before, and with trains, its choo-choo. He signs for more when he is still hungry. He comes to me and pats his bum when he is messy.
some more words:
Abbi- (Abba) May22 2008 while pushing him in the wagon up to seven peaks
banana (a-nan-a)
book (gook)
car- all cars, the ones he plays with and the ones he sees out on the road
chair- the chair that he sits in to eat
cheese - this is what he calls the camera
choo-choo- trains
church- May24, 2008
clapping- May 26, 2008
cook- May 29, 2008 while playing with the little kitchen. He was saying coook, coook, coook. He was having fun.
cracker -- when he wants or sees a cracker
Deanna- our neighbor that is about Alona's age
dinner -- (ninner)
do -- he loves to say "I do!"
eat --May 25, 2008, he even said it when daddy was home!
home --May15, 2008
it's- it's hot, its on, its off
light- he points to the lights and light switches
shirt --- Abbi taught him "my shirt" May11 2008
slide --while playing at the park May 14, 2008
stairs-- May 29, 2008
watch -from playing with Paul's watch this morning(5/14)
wet- May 21st Kacen got sprayed with the sprinklers "it's wet!!!"
(I'll add more as I hear them or remember them)
16 April, 2008
Biggest Loser
So last night I turned on the biggest loser, yes while my children were awake. Biggest loser would normally start at 7:00 but I wouldn't turn it on until after my children had gone to bed. But last night they were showing the final contestants with in the first five minutes. I had voted for Roger, no particular reason. It was fun to see that a girl won though it would have been more surprising to see Kelly win, since she had more to lose.
So a little while in to the show, Alona was watching the show sitting right next to me. She says "Mom, so when do I need to go on a diet." At this point I was thinking oh no, I should have just waited until they had gone to bed to turn on the show. I tried to explain that she looked fine and didn't need to "diet" and as long as she ate healthy and exercised her body as she watched Mommy do that she would never need a "diet". I hope that I explained this well enough to her. I realized other things I could have said to her after she had gone to bed.
Not a whole lot going on here... I read the final book in the Barrington Family Saga by Anita Stansfield, it was good, I would recommend the books. The first book especially captured me and then I just had to keep reading though some of the parts of the preceding books weren't as captivating.
I will be going to Layton on Friday to take my sister to a movie for her birthday. She wanted to go see Fools Gold with Matthew McConaughey because he's cute, but this Monday it wasn't in theaters any more and wasn't in the dollar theaters yet. Very frustrating, maybe we will go see Penelope or something else? Paul will stay home with the kids. This is the first time that I have gone out with my sister since before I was married, I figured that she's not married this year so she would need some one to care.
Something that I figured out... If you are all out of aluminum foil and your recipe calls for you to cover your food, you can take out a metal cookie sheet and cover you 9x13 dish or smaller with this and it works great!!
We went to visit Grandma Caren on Monday, while visiting with her we went to the play ground by her house. We lifted up a community tractor to find that mice had been using it as their home, a mouse ran out from the tractor and in to the sand box. The girls sat there and watched as the mouse dug himself a hole and buried him in by pushing sand where the hole once was. This mouse was a fast digger. A few minutes later another mouse came running out and ended up in the corner of the playground. The whole play ground was enclosed with wood, the mouse was trapped, he tried gnawing the wood and also digging hi way out to get away from us. Alona, Abbi and Kacen were so enthralled. Alona petted the mouse with a stick since her grandparents told her not to actually touch it. Kacen had a little excited dance that he would do and then he would get really close and reach his hand out to the mouse almost to touch it and then walk away from them.
Stake Conference was Sunday, conference was at 2:00 and of course lasts two hours. It was kind of nice that conference was so late. We found a couple wandering around at the stake building and offered them a ride, I felt it was something that I should do. Low and Behold they didn't know that stake conference was held at the Provo Tabernacle being that it was the first Stake Conference that they had been to here. So we found some seats by a family in our ward that we knew. I went around to where there were enough seats for our family, but Alona and Abbi didn't follow me, they went to the other side of the parents where the little girl was and stayed there the whole time passing in front of the parents at times to get to me, quite awkward. They played so well together, coloring pictures, having snacks and my daughters shared their baby dolls and were able to entertain all the girls for the first half of conference. Kacen did well being next to the other little boy, he also was entertained with a ladies zipper on her back pack, but she wasn't amused enough to let him play with it and moved it away placing it closer to her. Kacen fell asleep on the way home and I was actually able to hear some of conference in between going to the rest room with the children several times and I was able to rest when we got home, the girls watched Barbie Rapunzel.
Abbi keeps asking what her camisole is called. Last night when she asked why she had a camisole and a night gown on I told her that it was to keep her comfy and warm. So when I try to tell her that it is called a camisole, she says, "No, its comfy". So her camisole its indeed not that it is a "comfy".
So a little while in to the show, Alona was watching the show sitting right next to me. She says "Mom, so when do I need to go on a diet." At this point I was thinking oh no, I should have just waited until they had gone to bed to turn on the show. I tried to explain that she looked fine and didn't need to "diet" and as long as she ate healthy and exercised her body as she watched Mommy do that she would never need a "diet". I hope that I explained this well enough to her. I realized other things I could have said to her after she had gone to bed.
Not a whole lot going on here... I read the final book in the Barrington Family Saga by Anita Stansfield, it was good, I would recommend the books. The first book especially captured me and then I just had to keep reading though some of the parts of the preceding books weren't as captivating.
I will be going to Layton on Friday to take my sister to a movie for her birthday. She wanted to go see Fools Gold with Matthew McConaughey because he's cute, but this Monday it wasn't in theaters any more and wasn't in the dollar theaters yet. Very frustrating, maybe we will go see Penelope or something else? Paul will stay home with the kids. This is the first time that I have gone out with my sister since before I was married, I figured that she's not married this year so she would need some one to care.
Something that I figured out... If you are all out of aluminum foil and your recipe calls for you to cover your food, you can take out a metal cookie sheet and cover you 9x13 dish or smaller with this and it works great!!
We went to visit Grandma Caren on Monday, while visiting with her we went to the play ground by her house. We lifted up a community tractor to find that mice had been using it as their home, a mouse ran out from the tractor and in to the sand box. The girls sat there and watched as the mouse dug himself a hole and buried him in by pushing sand where the hole once was. This mouse was a fast digger. A few minutes later another mouse came running out and ended up in the corner of the playground. The whole play ground was enclosed with wood, the mouse was trapped, he tried gnawing the wood and also digging hi way out to get away from us. Alona, Abbi and Kacen were so enthralled. Alona petted the mouse with a stick since her grandparents told her not to actually touch it. Kacen had a little excited dance that he would do and then he would get really close and reach his hand out to the mouse almost to touch it and then walk away from them.
Stake Conference was Sunday, conference was at 2:00 and of course lasts two hours. It was kind of nice that conference was so late. We found a couple wandering around at the stake building and offered them a ride, I felt it was something that I should do. Low and Behold they didn't know that stake conference was held at the Provo Tabernacle being that it was the first Stake Conference that they had been to here. So we found some seats by a family in our ward that we knew. I went around to where there were enough seats for our family, but Alona and Abbi didn't follow me, they went to the other side of the parents where the little girl was and stayed there the whole time passing in front of the parents at times to get to me, quite awkward. They played so well together, coloring pictures, having snacks and my daughters shared their baby dolls and were able to entertain all the girls for the first half of conference. Kacen did well being next to the other little boy, he also was entertained with a ladies zipper on her back pack, but she wasn't amused enough to let him play with it and moved it away placing it closer to her. Kacen fell asleep on the way home and I was actually able to hear some of conference in between going to the rest room with the children several times and I was able to rest when we got home, the girls watched Barbie Rapunzel.
Abbi keeps asking what her camisole is called. Last night when she asked why she had a camisole and a night gown on I told her that it was to keep her comfy and warm. So when I try to tell her that it is called a camisole, she says, "No, its comfy". So her camisole its indeed not that it is a "comfy".
14 April, 2008
10 April, 2008
63 question questionaire
I tag Laura, Emily and Kara
1. Song that always makes you sad?Butterfly kisses
2. Last thing you bought? in person - groceries, online - swimming lessons at seven peaks for Abbi
3. Last person you argued with? my daughter
4. Do you put butter on toast before putting the jelly on? not always, it is better with butter on it!
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid? don't remember if I named them
6. Did you ever own at one time a Nysnc Cd? no
7. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday is not too hectic and Paul is home!
8. Favorite Sundae topping? chocolate and peanuts
9. Did you take Piano lessons? No!but I would love to
10. Most frequent song played? "Stand", by rascal flatts
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy? don't know if I "secretly" enjoy them, maybe you could say that just because no one else is here and awake when I do. I like Deal or no Deal, brothers and sisters was ok, medium, etc..
12. Favorite scents? things cooking in the oven, spring mornings
13. Date someone older or younger? Older
14. One place you could travel right now? las vegas, disneyland
15. Favorite time of the day? when the kids go to bed ( though I do love being with them.)
16. Do you know all the words to the national anthem? Yes
17. Something you're wearing right now? overalls and a green shirt
18. Favorite holiday? any that are warm
19. Blonde or Brunette? Brunette
20. Best job you ever had? Being a mom
21. Did you go to your high school prom? no I was married, pregnant and finished school way before senior prom came along, my husband doesn't dance anyway.
22. Perfect time to wake up? 8:00
23. Perfect time to go to bed? 10:00
24. Favorite soda? I like flavors, orange, grape, root beer, occasionally mountain dew like twice a year
25. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
26. Closer to mom or dad...or neither? Neither
27. Who would you want on a deserted island with you?
28. Have you been bungee jumping? No, that is scary
29. Favorite ice cream flavor?
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? YES, even from junior high (my usher squad shirt) and from high school years, my lagoon sweatshirt.
31. Did you play high school sports? no, I was in yearbook in tenth grade
32. Were you ever in a school talent show? no
33. Have you ever written in a library book? probably
34. What are you allergic to? nothing
35. Favorite fruits? melons
36. Have you watched sex and the city? No, and no thank you
37. Fun place you lived?
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap? Shampoo
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste? Wet toothbrush.
40. Blue or black ink? Black.
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? No
42. Have you thrown up on a plane? no, it was fun I liked watching out the windows
43. Have you thrown up in a car? I do not recall
44. Have you thrown up at work? nope
45. Do you scream on roller coasters? Yes, I'm scared to death which is exhilarating
46. Favorite cartoon as a kid? teenage mutant ninja turtles, gummi bears, care bears
47. Who was your first roommate? my husband
49. What was your first job?lagoon
50. What was your first car? Chevrolet Citation
51. What was the last movie you saw? Catwoman
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? home town, whats that, I moved to much to have one though Layton was the most memorable and the one that I moved back to the most.
53. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Kathy Lankford
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Sacramento, California
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? don't recall sneaking out, I would tell my aunt and uncle I was going one place and end up at another, not proud of this.
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them? had some friends in Elementary school, am still in contact with Miranda
57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house? I moved out from my parents at age 11 and moved in to a shelter home, then my aunt Staceys house, back to the shelter home then to my grandmothers for a year then to a foster home for a year and then to My aunts house where I lived until their house was foreclosed and I went and stayed with my fiancee's dad until a week later when we were married then moved in with him at his mother's for a week after we were married.
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? I have lots of them, I usually veg on my couch when the day is done! Occasionally I get to talk to my sister, my husband is nice to talk to when he is home.
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman? Never been one!
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning? pray, feed my children, get every one dressed
61. What was the first concert you attended? Tim McGraw, George Strait, Faith Hill, Lila McAnn and a few others at one concert
62. First tattoo or piercing?at ten years old, that was the rule at our house at ten we could choose to do that and so it was my birthday present
63. First celebrity crush? Beverly Hills 90210, Brandon, Dylan
1. Song that always makes you sad?Butterfly kisses
2. Last thing you bought? in person - groceries, online - swimming lessons at seven peaks for Abbi
3. Last person you argued with? my daughter
4. Do you put butter on toast before putting the jelly on? not always, it is better with butter on it!
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid? don't remember if I named them
6. Did you ever own at one time a Nysnc Cd? no
7. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday is not too hectic and Paul is home!
8. Favorite Sundae topping? chocolate and peanuts
9. Did you take Piano lessons? No!but I would love to
10. Most frequent song played? "Stand", by rascal flatts
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy? don't know if I "secretly" enjoy them, maybe you could say that just because no one else is here and awake when I do. I like Deal or no Deal, brothers and sisters was ok, medium, etc..
12. Favorite scents? things cooking in the oven, spring mornings
13. Date someone older or younger? Older
14. One place you could travel right now? las vegas, disneyland
15. Favorite time of the day? when the kids go to bed ( though I do love being with them.)
16. Do you know all the words to the national anthem? Yes
17. Something you're wearing right now? overalls and a green shirt
18. Favorite holiday? any that are warm
19. Blonde or Brunette? Brunette
20. Best job you ever had? Being a mom
21. Did you go to your high school prom? no I was married, pregnant and finished school way before senior prom came along, my husband doesn't dance anyway.
22. Perfect time to wake up? 8:00
23. Perfect time to go to bed? 10:00
24. Favorite soda? I like flavors, orange, grape, root beer, occasionally mountain dew like twice a year
25. Ever been in a car accident? Yes
26. Closer to mom or dad...or neither? Neither
27. Who would you want on a deserted island with you?
28. Have you been bungee jumping? No, that is scary
29. Favorite ice cream flavor?
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? YES, even from junior high (my usher squad shirt) and from high school years, my lagoon sweatshirt.
31. Did you play high school sports? no, I was in yearbook in tenth grade
32. Were you ever in a school talent show? no
33. Have you ever written in a library book? probably
34. What are you allergic to? nothing
35. Favorite fruits? melons
36. Have you watched sex and the city? No, and no thank you
37. Fun place you lived?
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap? Shampoo
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste? Wet toothbrush.
40. Blue or black ink? Black.
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? No
42. Have you thrown up on a plane? no, it was fun I liked watching out the windows
43. Have you thrown up in a car? I do not recall
44. Have you thrown up at work? nope
45. Do you scream on roller coasters? Yes, I'm scared to death which is exhilarating
46. Favorite cartoon as a kid? teenage mutant ninja turtles, gummi bears, care bears
47. Who was your first roommate? my husband
49. What was your first job?lagoon
50. What was your first car? Chevrolet Citation
51. What was the last movie you saw? Catwoman
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? home town, whats that, I moved to much to have one though Layton was the most memorable and the one that I moved back to the most.
53. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Kathy Lankford
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Sacramento, California
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? don't recall sneaking out, I would tell my aunt and uncle I was going one place and end up at another, not proud of this.
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them? had some friends in Elementary school, am still in contact with Miranda
57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house? I moved out from my parents at age 11 and moved in to a shelter home, then my aunt Staceys house, back to the shelter home then to my grandmothers for a year then to a foster home for a year and then to My aunts house where I lived until their house was foreclosed and I went and stayed with my fiancee's dad until a week later when we were married then moved in with him at his mother's for a week after we were married.
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? I have lots of them, I usually veg on my couch when the day is done! Occasionally I get to talk to my sister, my husband is nice to talk to when he is home.
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman? Never been one!
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning? pray, feed my children, get every one dressed
61. What was the first concert you attended? Tim McGraw, George Strait, Faith Hill, Lila McAnn and a few others at one concert
62. First tattoo or piercing?at ten years old, that was the rule at our house at ten we could choose to do that and so it was my birthday present
63. First celebrity crush? Beverly Hills 90210, Brandon, Dylan
04 April, 2008
Little Seeds Lie Fast Asleep
1. On Friday the 28th we had Family Home Evening on Gardening and we planted many seeds. We planted lettuce, tomato, pumpkin and have some peppers that we can still put in to some soil. Every day for a week we took them down from the window sill to look and see if anything had sprouted yet... Our tomatoes erupted out of their seeds and the soil on Friday and we are still waiting for the lettuce to make its presence known. I am thinking that these might be duds :( Our pumpkin came out of its shell and Alona commented how its roots looked like worms, another week or two and it will sprout up.
2. On Monday Marta came and took the girls to
3.Paul came down with a Kidney infection this past week. He managed to get in to the Doctor on Monday. They sent him to the hospital to get a CT scan and it showed that his kidney was twice the size of a normal kidney. While he was at the Doctor, they told him, your kidney could explode, but you'll know before that happens. So he got some antibiotics and pain meds of which he ran out of yesterday. Hopefully he can get back in to the Doctor on Monday and starts feeling better soon.
4. Friday we had Family Home Evening on Journals. We were talking about writing in them and Abbi says, "Once upon a time, Abbi..." she was getting ready to create a wonderful story to put in her journal. Alona wanted to write "I don't know what to write" in her journal. I told her that when she thought of something that I would put it in there. But that is all she wanted. I have copies of journal entries and life stories of ancestors and I pulled those out to show them. One was of Edmund Durfee who was killed in Nauvoo and never made it across the plains. Another of Dominicus Carter who went on a mission for the church in 1844 and his journal from a portion of his mission was in the papers. I told Alona I would read those to her later. I also showed her the journals that I have kept and she asked why I had so many, because I have lived a while and if you write in them often you will have many journals we also read an exerpt from Pres Eyring's talk from the October General Conference titled, "O Remember, Remember".
5.General Conference started yesterday, we tried to play bingo with the things that were said in the talks, we were able to print the bingo from an email that Caren sent us, thanks Grandma! That lasted a short while and then in between sessions we went to the park to have fun and get out some energy. We played hungry hungry hippos, they really enjoyed playing, Abbi would take marbles from my hippos tummy and put them in hers. Even if her hippo wasn't good at getting them in his mouth that hungry hippo was going to eat! We learned a little about the hippos too, "they eat marbles for pretend, but what do they really eat" my children asked they eat 25-40 lbs of grass a night. So I told Alona they eat as much grass as one of you a night.
6.This is a picture of the kids in the cupboard last night. Kacen gets in to the cupboard little by little by pulling every little thing out of it and is very gentle to set all of the breakables down lightly on the kitchen floor. The girls wanted to join him.
7. I have been reading like a mad woman, while Grandma had the girls Kacen and I went to the library, just the two of us. He pulled books down from the shelves as he was running from mommy and laughing. It was like tag and hide and seek at the same time. The books that he pulled down were by lds authors as stated on the binding. So I put them in our bag for check out. One of them was called "Tempest Tossed" I have read that one it was all right. A woman who after the birth of her son and death of her mother and a challenging career starts taking anti-depressants. She gets addicted to these narcotics and falls off the deep end but thank goodness for the man that was there for her, guided by God to marry her and support her and her son. I also read The Barrington Family Saga by Anita Stansfield well the first three books, there is one other that I am waiting for, it is on hold at the library. Those are all very good. Silly me, I read every book that I have read in just one night. I am not a speed reader by any means it takes me 3-6 hours to read these books and much sleep is given up over them.
8. We
We are going to see a magician at the library on Monday!
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