10 February, 2008


Kacen is expounding on the tasks that he can do while at play and in other aspects. He now plays with play-doh. He was very adamant that the small colorful container was what he would like to play with. He brought it to me and was gesturing, "hey, MOM, I want this open"! And so he and his sisters came to the table and he enjoyed more than anything putting the lid to the container on and off. He indulged me and pounded the doh a bit and went back to his lid. He is such a big boy, it is truly amazing watching them each day. Kacen is phasing out from being a baby, he played so well and didn't eat a single piece of play-doh.
I was giving him rolos the other day and I have been showing him a few different signs as I say the words when I am speaking to him and when he got the rolos he was exuberant, he kept signing "thank you" over and over again. He has used it a few times since and also knows a few others like dog! He liked to call ice cream "cracker" and then laugh, cute. And the other day he said "cheese"!
The girls were vying for the spotlight and so mommy took their pictures too! They were discussing what kind of food would be conjured out of their imaginations and vou-lah their blue and red play-doh turned into a batch of brownies. Their were discussing amongst themselves, this is what I get for not listening intently enough, it sounded like Abbi said yeah mine are diet brownies, though I am quite assured that that is not what word came from her mind through her mouth. Maybe they were really chocolate brownies.
We exercise at the stake center 3x a week and on this last Friday the girls were up on the stage playing when Abbi exclaimed "Mommy get me DOWN!" I was a good half court away from her and before I knew it, she had jumped. I heard crying and saw her get up, at first I didn't think much of it. I thought that she was all right. But as I got closer I could see blood,two of her fingers had broken her fall. Her skin above her nails on two fingers had detached and a bruise and two blisters were on her fingers as well. I took her to the bathroom and submerged her fingers in cold water and covered them in a paper towel applying pressure to them. Gathered up our things and took her home, Paul assured me that she would be all right, I just needed to clean her up and put band-aids on her. Her skin looks much better today and after dinner I took her in to the bathroom, she stared at the tub and didn't see it coming. Her BIG blister is deflated and fit with a nice band-aid.
Paul went and looked at a 2005 Nisan Sentra on Friday, awesome deal, only 33,000 miles on the car. And of course like all of the vehicles that we get we would be paying with cash, no payments! Paul is doing awesome in school, I am so proud of him. He is doing awesome work and waking up for classes in the morning, an amazing feat that he has accomplished. He has a four class load right now, unheard of if you understand it, he is at school from 8a.m.-2p.m. four days a week and at work from 2:30p.m.-11:10p.m and then on nights where he doesn't have to wake up the next day for school he stays up until five doing homework(Thursday night, Friday and Saturday) and then on days that he has off of work he spends the day doing homework(Wednesdays and Fridays) and occasionally does homework at work on breaks. I love my husband! We have so deserved a nice vacation when his bachelor's degree gets here!


Paul said...

I knew her fingers would be ok, and I am amazed that my sleeping problems seemed to just fade on their own. They are still there with higher stress days, but not horrific as they used to be :)

Bagley Briefs said...

Ah, Play-Doh...such a great entertainer. No fun to clean-up but so fun for little hands and minds to create wonderful things.

I hope Abbi's fingers are all healed. She is more brave than her petite body can handle sometimes!

As always, thanks for sharing.

Bagley Briefs said...

Yea! for Paulie and his discipline with school and work! You are awesome!