04 October, 2010

I could do without

surprises every time I go in to the bathroom!
Even though we have a children's bathroom and a Mommy bathroom,
whenever the children's bathroom is occupied and someone needs to use the restroom
the "Mommy" bathroom gets used by a child

I dont know how they manage to do these things or why
a few hours ago it was water drenching the trash can in the restroom leading from the top of the toilet where the full roll of toilet paper is dripping, soaked...
I could have used the toilet paper roll knowing that I would be clean but still dripping wet
or would I be, would they actually use the clean running tap water from the sink or
the infamous toilet bowl water
knowing my children, I didnt dare use the toilet paper

a few days prior, the toilet paper met an even worse demise
walking in to the bathroom I could see the toothpaste more than half way empty
having been squeezed from the bottom up noticing blue streaks on the counter tops
I undoubtedly knew the child behind it
but then as I look around the toilet paper is not in any
usable location but in the waste basket covered on all sides with blue Mommy toothpate
as if to say Mom I didnt want you to go to the bathroom or have clean teeth today

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