Front of house

Back of the house

Kitchen...it is missing the refrigerator and the stove
to the right is the dining room

Upstairs living room
Paul and I went and put an offer on this house on Thursday (yesterday) I love the downstairs living room as well, but there aren't any pictures available for show yet. The house is in a cul-de sac in a neighborhood in Orem there are 5 bedrooms (the 5th is real small) there are 2 bathrooms and 2 living rooms. I am excited and nervous and skeptical all at the same time, the last time that we tried to buy a home it failed horribly. The interest rates right now are really low and in the past five years we have increased our income dramatically. I hope its good news from the realtor next week.
I am totally spazing out
UPDATE: Today, Monday October 4 we were suppose to hear back from the other realtor/ bank about our offer to see if it was accepted. Well, I guess our pre-authorization letter was supposed to get to them with our offer and it didn't! So the pre-authorization letter got there today. So now they have everything they need and we are still waiting to see if they accept our offer. Waiting game, ughh...I will be thinking about the offer every day and waiting for their response, but trying to keep busy so that I dont go crazy.
Update: Tuesday October 5th
heard from the realtor around1:00. There has been another offer put on the house. We go in tomorrow to our realtors office put in our final offer, the most money that we are willing to pay for the home. So it is so up in the air if we will get this house. It is all depending on if we bid more than the other people. Here's to hoping.
Update: Wednesday October 6th, we put in a new offer on the house 5,000 more than our previous offer and they accepted our offer! Now the next steps, the inspection and getting the loan...
Update: Monday October 11th, I know its not a big update today, but the appraisal has been ordered! Which means the appraiser has a date to go and do the house and has the codes so within the next day or two he will go do that and then we will get the report from him. About 48 hours after the appraiser is done the realtor will have his report and we will see what if any repairs need to be made before we get the closing date.
Update: Tuesday October 12th,
appraisal on the house is done! it all looks good and we are paying 12,000 less than what it appraises for :)