01 November, 2011

You say, Trick Or Treat and Trick or Treat

We would walk down from getting candy at a house and Jesse would say, "You Say, Trick or Treat and Trick or Treat!" He was telling us what you're suppose to say when you get to the door. He was so cute this year. He talked about everything, what he got, how many, adorable.

After putting on Abbi's class party, I picked up the girls and came home to get Paul and went to Paul's works annual Halloween trick-or-treating. It is always fun! Lots of candy and fun things like glow stick necklaces and all of the adults are dressed up! We went up to one of Paul's co-workers and I was trying to get Jesse to say trick-or-treat, and he was like he's tickle me Elmo he can just giggle!
Abbi the good witch :)
Spider-girl (Alona) found the perfect backdrop!

We went Trick or treating with my cousin and her children. They were all so cute. Justin and Kacen were the best of buds, putting their arms around each other and playing as we were walking along going to houses.
Our first house had Thriller playing outside, all the kids were coming down the stairs dancing to the music. Alona was in love with this, she had it as her end of year dance last year in school. She lit up when she heard that and went to town dancing. Elmo getting cracker jacks and fruit snacks from our second house!


MartaMolly said...

I loved the pictures and hearing about the children's expression showing their personality to their trick or treating experiences.
I missed going this year with all of you.I can envision Alona doing her rehearsed dance to MJ Thriller how I would have loved to see that! Jesse has always been so entertaining he really can brighten up a day! How did Abbi the good witch enjoy her halloween experience this year? Kacen is a great friend to have so fun loving too!

Bagley Briefs said...

Sounds, and looks, like everyone had fun! I sure an thankful the weather was nice for the evening, too.

Thanks for sharing.

Paul said...

It was a great experience to be out with my wife, kids, and Maria+Justin company! I hope we can do the same next year (with less muscle pain!) :)