15 October, 2011

breaking from the past

I was talking with someone and the topics of upbringings and childhood came up

Does not having parents guidance and input as a teenager and a crappy childhood give people an excuse to make bad choices as adults. Am I not the norm in thinking that the past is the past and we have to own up to what we do now no matter what has happened to us before? Just wondering others opinions on this..


Bagley Briefs said...

That's the awesome part of growing up, becoming an adult... we have the freedom to choose the direction our life takes, despite our childhood and lack of familial life, or influences contrary to our personal beliefs. Doesn't mean it's easy, just possible. I think blaming our poor decisions, as adults, on our upbringing, or lack there of, just holds us back from pursuing dreams and acheiving personal goals.

Being shy and afraid holds us back too. That's what frustrates me as an older adult... letting fear hold me back. So grateful I have a wonderful husband and family... including you!

Abigail said...

I agree with you that the past is the past and you make your life as it is now regards of what once was or happened.

I very much like what Grandma Ruthie had to say!

Mandy said...

I think a lot of people blame their past and upbringing for why they make crappy decisions as a "grown up". But I don't think that it really gives them a free pass.

I think that overcoming and being better than your past / upbringing can makes you a better person. Forgiving and living "better" than what you were given - best qualities in a person.

Love you!