05 September, 2011

Pay Day

One of the two best days of the month, the other one of course is the other pay day at the end of the month ;) For us pay day is really significant,
a few reasons why:
Picture Mount Everest size,but in laundry!
why, because we dont have laundry soap,
and have to wait for it till tomorrow!

Think of a deserted Island a 1800 sq ft deserted island
looks pretty right
but there are just four kids... and you
why, I have no gas and havent for the past week
Pay day=freedom!

Think of bills
bills that are due on the 5th
and you get paid on the sixth
yep those are two days late every time

And then there's this
PAYDAY's are Awesome!!


Bagley Briefs said...

Cute analogy, Heather!

Recess is to school children
what payday is to adults...

We love paydays at our house, too!

Abigail said...

HAHAHA, Love it, and I so feel the same way! Except ours is once a month on the first when we get his GI Bill money. All pay checks get immediately sucked up by bills.