24 July, 2009

not as slow as I thought it would be

My card in my camera isn't working and some places I didn't bring my phone so I don't have many pictures. This week was set out to be quite slow, but I made it in to a great week!

Monday-Went to the library and received some coupons for completing the summer reading program. Went and enjoyed Carls Jr for lunch with the coupons.

- the kids and I enjoyed Chuck E Cheese rides and games and brought home Del Taco for lunch, another treat from the coupons :) Alona's keen observation, Mom these fries aren't the same kind we had yesterday. Each restaurant's fries has their own texture and crispness.

Wednesday-we went to Oquirrh mountain temple open house. It was gorgeous, breath taking. Sitting up on a hill of its own, with mirrors of an endless view and spectacular chandeliers. It was so nice to go and not be rushed, take our SWEET time with four children there. Talking to them about all the things that we saw. The baptismal font was one that they all liked. Abbi was convinced there were cows holding it up. Talking to them about doing baptisms in the temple and Alona's comment of "I get to be baptized next year". She is getting so big. We brought in the double stroller, so we were able to ride the elevators many times and not worry about lugging children up and down flights of stairs. The enjoyed the cookies and water after wards, they wanted to try both kinds of cookies and were brave and went and asked the lady, chocolate chip and sugar cookies :) The kids got to go to Village Inn after wards and pick from their menu. It was a great day!

Thursday-Canopy Capers (story time) at the library. The story teller sure was dramatic this week. We made it in time to actually get a spot in the shade, super happy about that especially for the baby's sake.

Friday-Pioneer Day! We went to the celebration in Provo on 5th West! Each year they give out a punch card for the children with various activities. There was an obstacle course, throwing balls at milk bottles, a game called koob, paning for gold, shooting ducks off of a log, tasted homemade butter, making clothespin dolls and pie tin art and throwing tomahawks! I cant believe all my children threw tomahawks and that the missionaries let them, it scared me to death. Yes, here in Provo the missionaries are in charge of the games for children on the 24th. It is fun to see them out there.
Of course after the activities Jesse had to eat, there was face painting right next to us and so I told the kids to stand in line while I fed Jesse. Of course I didn't notice the sign next to the lady with pricing, being that it was in front of her and I was sitting off to the side of her feeding Jesse. Good thing I brought a few dollars. Abbi got her face painted first, she claimed it was flowers and then changed her mind saying she had fireworks. Kacen had bear feet and Alona's were more of purple and red colors that resembled flowers, she washed hers off right when we got home so I didn't get the chance to take a picture of it. They also got to pick a rock sucker or bag of rock candy and we listened to the Indian dances that were near us while we waited in line and they were painted. After they got their faces painted, I wasn't quite finished with Jesse. So the children went to the petting zoo and looked at all the animals. It really was a great day at the park.


Mandy said...

I have NO idea how you do it. You do so much with your kids and they are so lucky to have you. :)

Paul said...

I wish I had paw prints on MY face! :(