Jesse is My baby. He is not yet walking or talking, and is still so little which all of these make it so much easier for me to hang on to him as my baby. Which is really hard for me to accept that he is my last baby and really hard to talk about. He went to his ONE year appointment last Friday he is currently 17 lbs 13 oz and 29 1/2 inches! Growing slowly but surely.
Dear Jesse,
You are such a sweet little baby boy. You brighten each day with me. You wake up and love it when I come and get you out of bed and I get to feed you, to nurse you, see you calm down be content, your screaming stops and hunger is gone and then you are off. You are such a busy little boy, always finding some new thing to climb or explore or play with. You Love the water, if it is time for your brother or sister to have a bath and you have all ready had your bath, you are very insistent that you need to get in again, at least to play. You have jumped in to the tub before with all of your clothes on. You love to splash and play with the toys, suck on the wash cloths and enjoy pulling out the plug to the tub.
You do not eat many table foods, you will suck on pizza and try to take little bites. You like bananas and will eat about 1/4 of it before wandering off in search of some activity. At the dinner table, no matter what meal you are given Jesse, you throw most of the food on the floor and only take little bites. If it werent for your oldest sister I probably would be worried sick about you not eating much. But I know that eventually you will want to eat more, try new foods and have the ability to eat more and not have all of the food end up on the floor.
You had tubes put in your ears at the end of last month and go in for your check up on the tubes tomorrow. I know that you still have an ear infection. When it should be nap time you instead scream and cry and if I put you down you chase me around the house, but yet are not happy when I am holding you. You dont go to sleep very well at night either and wake up throughout the night crying. I gave you motrin today and after about 20 minutes, it took effect and I walked around with you and you fell right to sleep, but of course that didnt last long. Your naps dont last long when having ear infections.
Favorite toysballs of any shape, size, color or texture. You get so super excited. You roll the ball to Mom then start clapping, giggling and then crawling towards me and then catch the ball when I roll it back to you.
little people farm: you love to make the animal noises and play with the little pieces
The rocking horse and the Winnie the Pooh ride on bike. You love getting on these by yourself. You can rock the horse all by yourself and on the ride on bike you can push yourself and go about ten feet. You will sit there for a couple minutes at a time and look down and push the buttons on the bike and figure out how it all works.
You love dogs and cats, you love to chase Gibby and are really good at petting her. It is only when you get to her tail that we have trouble. You get so excited and end up pulling her tail.
Jesse's words:
uh nuh nuh: Alona
Guck: Duck
Caca: Yucky
cu-cur: color, he's asked to color and then says color and starts to color :)
ought oh: when he drops something
rock-rock: rocking in the rocking chair
rock: when he holds a rock
(I will add more words as I remember them.)
you sign wash and milk and understand a few more. You look at me when I am signing to you
I am excited, sad and happy to see you grow..
I love you,
Your Mother